
유튜브 인스타




  • 연구분야 English Linguistics, English Education, Culture and Tourism, Korean Language Education
  • 담당과목General English, Basic English Conversation of Leisure, Practical English Conversation of Leisure, Korean Language Education, etc.
  • 연구실번호E5301
  • 전화번호051-540-7278
  • 이메일jasonk@ysu.ac.kr
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Educational Background, Research Experience, & Grants

▪1997. Ph. D. Department of English Language and Literature, Sogang University, South Korea
-Thesis: “Independent Feature Checking and Multiple Spec Constructions”
▪2000. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for American Studies, Dong-Eui University, Pusan.
- Concentration: American Studies (International Politics)
▪1996. New Research Fellows, Korean Research Foundation, “Independent Feature Checking and Multiple Spec Constructions” (NRF-1996-908-46)
▪2004. New Research Professors, Korean Research Foundation, "Unaccusativity Condition and PP Subject Construction" (NRF-2004-003-A00151)
▪2015. Mid-Career Researchers, Korean Research Foundation, "that-trace effect and labeling algorithm" (NRF-2015S1A5A2A01009449)
▪2017. Mid-Career Researchers, Korean Research Foundation, "Anti-Locality Effect and Labeling Algorithm" (NRF-2017S1A5A2A01023434)

Recent Papers (2023-2013)

▪Kwon (2023), "Notes on Parasitic Gap Constructions", Journal of Language Sciencnes 30(3),
▪Kwon (2022), "Notes on Freezing Effects and Anti-Freezing Effects", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 64(3), 173-194.
▪Kwon (2021), "Notes on the Resumptive Effect and the Skipping Effect", Journal of Language Sciencnes 28(3), 229-246.
▪Kwon & Lee (2021), "Notes on Adjunct Condition and MERGE", Journal of Language Sciencnes 28(1), 39-58.
▪Kwon & Lee (2020), "On the Asymmetry in the PP Intervention Effects in tough-Constructions", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 62(4), 265-281
▪Kwon & Lee (2020), "Determinacy Principle and Extraction from NPs", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 62(3),77-97.
▪Kwon & Lee (2020), "Notes on that-trace Effects", Journal of Language Sciencnes 27(3), 1-20.
▪Kwon & Lee (2019), " Notes on the MERGE-Based System ", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 61(3),131-153.
▪Kwon (2018), "Notes on the Symmetry-Breaking Algorithm", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 60(4),225-244.
▪Kwon (2018), "Anti-Locality Effect and Labeling Algorithm ", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 60(2),175-193.
▪Kwon & Lee (2017), " Notes on {XP, YP} Problem at a Root Clause", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 59(4),243-260.
▪Kwon (2017), "Some Notes on Transfer Domain", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 59(3),243-262.
▪Kwon (2017), " Some Notes on Nuclear Stress in English", Journal of Language Sciencnes 24(2), 273-291.
▪Kwon & Lee (2017), " A Note on the Rightward Movement of CP Complements ", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 59(1),111-128.
▪Kwon (2016), " Some Notes on there-Constructions ", Journal of Language Sciencnes 23(4), 259-280.
▪Kwon & Lee (2016), " Relative Clauses and Labeling Algorithm", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 58(3),173-193.
▪Kwon (2016), "That-trace Effect and Labeling Algorithm", Studies in British and American Language and Literature 120, 127-146.
▪Kwon (2015), "Notes on Subextraction and Labeling Algorithm", Journal of Language Sciencnes 22(3), 307-326
▪Kwon (2015), " Sentential Subjects Revisited ", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 59(1), 111-128.
▪Kwon (2014), "Notes on Labeling Algorithm", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 56(1), 143-162.
▪Kwon (2013), "Notes on Clausal Complements in English", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 55(4), 227-246.
▪Kwon (2013), "Minimalism and Language Theory", The New Korean Journal of Englisgh Language & Literature 55(2), 169-185.

Academic & Social Services

▪2022-2023. President, New Korean Association of Englisgh Language & Literature
▪2021-2024. Non-Executive Director, Korea Culture and Tourism Institute
▪2021-2022. Vice President, The Korean Association of Languae Sciences
▪2019-2020. Editor-in-chief , New Korean Association of Englisgh Language & Literature


▪2021. The Korean Association of Languae Sciences Award
▪2018. New Korean Association of Englisgh Language & Literature Award
▪2016. The British and American Language and Literature Association of Korea Award
▪2012. The Korean Association of Languae Sciences Award
▪2004. Hochimin University of Foreign Language & Information Technology Award, Vietnam